Thursday, October 16, 2014

Encountering the Trinity through the creative process

 Art tells the stories of our lives. In each season my creative process has been a key way I have been able to encounter the lord, in fact that's how I got to know him. I was 15, going through a dark season in life, I played those first few simple chords on a guitar, my voice sang for the first time, words spilled out of me, and there began my friendship with God and my journey to greater wholeness and light. Looking back on past works of art I have created I can clearly see how each work of art represented my heart in those seasons, creating never was about a product, it was always a way to process life's events, and feelings, a way to learn about God and myself, a way to grow, a way to feel known and named by God. He fortunately gave us all the gift of creating because he was a good God who knew it would be an easy way for him to encounter, speak, and come close to us.
     One day after playing an instrument I was particularly fond of, I heard the Lord say to me; 
"I love your creative process. When you begin creating and playing your heart softens and begins listening, your walls come down, and I can walk right in, sit down, and begin speaking to you."
     I was pleasantly surprised to hear this, it was something I had never thought of before, but as I reflected on this I realized how true this was. So often I go through my life busy in my mind and heart, conscious of all the things I need to do and places to be, and move from one thing to the next. But when I stop and begin to play an instrument, without realizing it, I let go. I let go of my mind and unconsciously and quite naturally my heart begins to tune into the Father's heart. My walls fall down, everything becomes still, and he walks in, and takes a seat. God speaks all day, but often times our walls are up and we cant come close, our minds are busy and we cant hear; but that's why we have the treasured gift of creating. When we create we are naturally in a position of listening; listening for inspiration, for melodies, for lyrics, for ideas; so its only fitting that he would come then and encounter and speak to our already tuned and listening hearts, and its only fitting that we are then able to hear. God created us, and it was an intimate, breath to soul, heart-to -heart moment where he was close and we felt his heart beat for us; he meant creating to feel this way, he meant for creativity to be an act of intimacy and friendship with us, he meant for it to be a way to tune deeper into his heart for us, he meant for it to grow us deeper into relationship with him, he meant for it to be joyful; full of sustenance and life! 
     He created us all with unique creative processes to which he can speak to us, soften and tune our hearts, and pull us close. So discover those ways! Discover the joy and excitement of what your creative process looks like and how the Father can encounter you through it. Ask him what your creative process means to him, and how he created you to encounter him through it. Ask yourself how the art that makes you come alive reflects the Father's heart. The possibilities are endless, and he is thrilled to show you how intimate your creative process is to him.

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